A cracking collection for local food banks
Walsall College has pulled together an egg-cellent selection of goodies for local people in need this Easter.
Students and staff were encouraged to donate chocolate eggs as part of a collective effort. Over 150 chocolate eggs were presented to Black Country Food Bank. These have since been distributing these to The Lamp Foodbank in Brownhills for local primary schools and to The Rock Church foodbank in the centre of Walsall.
“It is so lovely to reach out to the food bank in this way,” said Andrea Packer, Interim Head of Student Services and Wellbeing at the college. “We’re always overwhelmed by everyone’s response. Our creative media students and staff in particular contributed 80 eggs to the collection.
“Donations like these always mean so much to children, young people and families in our local community.
“Thank you to everyone for their continued generosity.”
“This has been a wonderful contribution,” said Allan Boot, Walsall Coordinator for Black Country Foodbank. “These collections from the two campuses have resulted in eggs being donated to six primary schools and to two foodbank teams in central Walsall who gave out the eggs to local primary schools.
“Many thanks to the college your continued support.”