The support and encouragement you give your children at home can make a big difference to their success at college. We enjoy a good relationship with the parents of many of our students and welcome you to really get involved in your son or daughter’s education.
What we’d like parents/guardians to do:
- Encourage your child to complete their homework on time. It’s set regularly and is essential to their independent learning
- Make sure they attend regularly. Missing essential coursework or exams can really affect your child’s chances of success. If they’re ill, please call or email their personal tutor to let them know
- Remind them to look after their belongings and leave any unnecessary electronic equipment at home. Replacing lost or damaged equipment can be very expensive
- Talk to us. Come along to our parents’ evenings each term to chat to us about your child’s progress
- Have your say - share your opinions, ask questions and make suggestions on our online parents’ forum. Help us shape our students’ future
Online parents’ forum
What do you think? What do you like about the college? How could we improve? Tell us by emailing
Our role
We’ll provide you with regular updates. We’ll also keep you informed about your child’s behaviour, homework, exams, assessments, successes and areas for improvement. You’ll get a report card each term, in addition to the opportunity to attend three parents’ evenings a year.
Personal tutors
Each student has a personal tutor who’s responsible for their care, progress and achievement. They’re always on hand to help them reach their full potential and help with any difficulties.
Prevent is part of the Government’s Counter Terrorism Strategy and aims to prevent people from becoming terrorists or supporting terrorism. We, as a college, and you, as parents/guardians need to be able to protect young people from the risk of radicalisation – this may be from online material or other outside influences.
The college works very closely with partner organisations to support young people if there’s a concern they may be at risk.
Careers Guidance
Parents/Carers/Guardians are also welcome to contact the Careers Guidance team about the careers support available for their child and to find out more about the possible progression opportunities.
Take a look at our Careers Education Programme right here and provide feedback if you are a parent or guardian of a Walsall College student here.