Welcome to Walsall College
We are one of the most successful colleges in the country – a place where more than 11,000 people study vocational technical qualifications, apprenticeships and higher education programmes each year.
Whether you’re looking to study here as a school leaver, higher education student, apprentice, adult learner, or an employer looking to develop your workforce, you’ll find we’ve got training and courses to suit all needs and ambitions.
Our Mission
“Walsall College is uniquely and proudly vocational, delivering technical, professional and community education. Our greatest passion is unleashing the potential of individuals, communities and businesses; our greatest legacy is the talent of our students: skilled, professional and enterprising.”
Our Vision
“To provide students with an excellent learning experience, education and skills development to support them into higher levels of study and jobs.”
Our Shared Values
We put students at the heart of everything we do
We are an exciting and safe place to study, a place where everyone is welcomed and supported in reaching their full potential. We promote personal development, build confidence and ambition in our students and staff. There is a strong emphasis on fairness in our policies and in how we further encourage diversity, equality and inclusion in our college society and community.
Our teaching and learning philosophy
Walsall College believes in preparing students for the world of work with skills and attributes that go beyond the mastery of their chosen discipline. The Walsall College Graduate will be skilled, professional and enterprising. Upon completing their courses, and in addition to their main qualification, students will have demonstrable qualities that enhance their value to employers.
We Listen To Employers, We Help Create Jobs
We develop strategic partnerships with employers and wider stakeholders to ensure we lead and shape the education and skills landscape.
We support the creation of job opportunities for people across the region and help business grow – fuelling economic development, inward investment and ambition for everyone in the area.
We champion innovation, creativity and enterprise
Our vision for the Walsall College of the future is of a college that truly meets the needs of all our students whilst delivering the skills needed for digitalised and greener economy drivers locally, regionally and nationally. In line with this, we continue to invest in and develop facilities, including Construction College Midlands in Kings Norton, Birmingham, a Digital Innovation Hub and a Light Alternative and Electric Fuel (LEAF) workshop.
As part of our evolving curriculum, we also pledge to work with an employer and business connection in every subject area to enhance our provision and provide a line of sight of work. To read more about our 2021-2024 Corporate Strategy, Click Here.
An Exceptional Place To Study
Walsall College is graded as Good by Ofsted, with Personal Development and our Provision for Learners with High Needs graded as Outstanding. The college was also recognised as making a strong contribution to meeting skills needs.
Highlights from the report included:
- Staff have high expectations of learners and create supportive, safe and motivating environments for learning. Learners and apprentices feel safe and develop their knowledge and skills rapidly. Learners’ behaviour is exemplary.
- Leaders and teachers work with stakeholders to ensure skills are woven throughout the curriculums. They effectively gather feedback and evaluate the effectiveness of their curriculums in meeting skills needs.
- Curriculum areas benefit from employer and sector-expert input. Learners learn useful skills for future employment and study and gain a clear line of sight to progression route options.
- Course leaders and tutors build curriculums that meet the individual personal needs of high-needs learners such as building relationships, communication skills, looking after themselves in the community and social skill development.
- Learners benefit from a wide range of activities inside and outside the college that help them support their local communities and develop their individuality and skills.
- Apprentices study in key local skills shortage areas and rapidly develop skills that allow them to be extremely useful at their workplace.
Learn more about Walsall College Graduate attributes here.

We’re award-winning too…
Walsall College is committed to achieving excellence, and we’ve won numerous accreditations and awards over several years:
Walsall College was graded ‘Good’ by Ofsted in its latest inspection.
We are winners of the 2021/22 The Edge Award for Excellence in Real World Learning
The unique quality framework for the effective delivery of information, advice and/or guidance on learning and work across the college.

Shows that we are committed to good practice in employing people with disabilities.
RoSPA Gold Health and Safety Award for demonstrating high health and safety standards.
English and maths student, Scott Yarrington was named 2021 Adult Student of the Year and creative media student, Jonathan Morris was named 2021 Higher Education Student of the Year.
Our Senior Management Team

Lee Bate
Head Of Operational Services

Chris Evans
Head Of IT & Business Processes

Natalie Priest
Head Of Human Resources

Charlotte Wood
Head Of Wellbeing, Inclusion & Safeguarding

Helena Platt
Head Of Student Experience

Rachel Davies
Director Of Faculty - Adults, Community Learning & SEND

Jo Thomas
Director Of Faculty - Vocational Sixth Form

Neil Sambrook
Director Of Faculty - S.T.E.A.M

John Adams
Director Of Commercial Projects

Rachael Smith
Director Of Faculty - Apprenticeships & Workbased Learning

Sally Day
Head Of Marketing & Sales