Spotlight on Talent – Stacey Perry
Studied: Functional Skills English and maths and Digital Skills
Stacey Perry received Walsall College’s 2024 Student Volunteer of the Year award for her proactive work with the Students’ Union, where she serves as women’s officer.
“Being a volunteer is a way for me to support people and make them feel they’re not alone. That they are genuinely part of our college community,” said Stacey.
“It feels so nice to be appreciated. But really, the award belongs to everyone in the Students’ Union as much as it does to me.
“While different people led the events we put on at the college based on causes or special dates they were particularly passionate about, we all supported one another during each one.
“I’m proud that we can celebrate and raise awareness of things that wouldn’t have been promoted when I was first at school and college.”
Stacey returned to the college as an adult learner after deciding to change careers and study towards becoming a paramedic.
She continued: “Returning to college as an adult did have a ‘coming home’ feel to it. It was a welcoming and supportive environment for me back then, just as it is now.
“One to one support in and outside class is available to me and I’m allotted extra time during exams in line with my learning needs.
“I am working towards university. There’s a long road ahead but I know it’s a journey with lots of help along the way.
“I’m quite a determined person so I know I’ll succeed in a role where I’m giving back to others.”