Student Voice amplified at college conference

New ideas, new information and new friendships formed after Walsall College held its annual Student Conference.
Student reps came together with college staff and governors to express views held by themselves and their classmates.
The event consisted of sessions based on target setting and student rep training. Attendees were also encouraged to give feedback on their teaching, the college environment and student support. They also discussed student enrichment and future activities.
“This is the 14th consecutive year that we have held a conference,” said Assistant Principal, Jayne Holt. “The event is 100% student-focused, so we were pleased to have learners from a range of courses involved.
“There was a lot of praise for the campus facilities and our support services, which we were pleased about. However, we can always do more. Through the constructive feedback we received, we can now further develop our students’ experiences – both in and outside the classroom.”
Over 30 students attended the conference, which they all agreed played an important role in the Student Voice initiative.
“The conference supports everything the Student Reps are doing to make college life better for everyone,” said Travel and Tourism student, Zaafir Mohammed. “It’s important to feel like we are making a difference. After today, I feel like we have.”
Student, Keisha Pinnock who is studying Access to Business and Management also found the conference uplifting.
“It gave students and staff the opportunity to work together to educate and inform one another about a range of issues. The roundtable format for our activities was good too. Not everyone likes speaking in public so the event helped everyone build on their communication skills and confidence.”