Spotlight on Talent : Stella Owusu

Studied:Level 3 Law
Progression:Law degree at Liverpool University
It was Stella Owusu’s mother that first suggested she pursue a career in law. Her reason for doing so is that her daughter liked to argue a lot – and win.
Her mother’s advice was sound. Stella achieved D*D*D* on her Level 3 course and is about to start a degree at the University of Liverpool. Her passion for the law is also increasing.
“I love looking at cases and the various acts of law that have evolved over time,” said Stella. “Justice is important to me. I want to support this in any way I can.”
Stella describes her college course as having many highlights including a trip to a magistrates court to sit in on a trial and a week-long placement with a firm of solicitors. Here, she was able to sit in on client meetings and produce correspondence.
“I felt like a mini solicitor,” Stella recalled.
Best of all on Stella’s course was the many group discussions her class would take part in.
“I do like presenting my arguments,” said Stella. “For me, the key is not to raise my voice and make sure every point you put across is an important one. It doesn’t have to be short and sweet if you don’t want it to be. Details are useful and you have to be able to back up what you are saying with evidence.
“I enjoy the challenge of getting all the facts together and sharing them.”
Once she has completed her degree, Stella hopes to work towards becoming a lawyer, specialising either in criminal law involving murder and manslaughter cases, or in family law such as divorce and child custody cases. Following that, she says it would be her dream to become a judge.