Supporting National Inclusion Week with Recite Me
Today, 28 September marks the start of National Inclusion Week. A celebratory week that recognises and promotes inclusion in the workplace.
Walsall College is proud to share, promote and inspire inclusive practices and culture across the workplace to create a better environment for all. The theme for National Inclusion Week 2020 is ‘Each One, Reach One’. It is about the opportunity we all have to reach out and connect with someone else, or another organisation, to help them understand the opportunity being inclusive provides.
This year there has been a significant shift to remote working and an increase in online activity due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This means businesses need to act quickly to ensure that all of their employees and customers have the tools and support they need to access information easily.
To support all website visitors and staff, including people with disabilities, learning difficulties, visual impairments or people who speak English as a second language, the college provides Recite Me accessibility software across our digital Landscape.
With Recite Me, the college is part of a shared mission to create an inclusive digital world enabling everyone ease of access to our online information and resources. On average every month the college supports over 900 people to read and understand information barrier-free.
When visiting the website people are able to a suite of accessibility tools to create a unique user experience. These tools include, text to speech functionality, fully customisable styling features, reading aids and a translation tool with over 100 languages, including 35 text to speech voices and many other features.