The Work of the Corporation
College governing bodies are technically termed “corporations” and carry ultimate legal responsibility for college activities.
Working closely with the Principal, the Corporation is responsible for approving the college’s mission statement, establishing college strategy and maintaining the overall framework of policies and procedures within which the college operates. Governors help the college to maintain a long term focus whilst working on its shorter term goals and plans.
The day-to-day management of the college is very much the responsibility of the Principal and his Management Team.
The Corporation regards the monitoring of the achievement of key performance targets set for College Management as an extremely important aspect of its responsibilities.
Governors discharge their responsibilities through meetings of the full Corporation. There are six specialist committees (Learning & Quality, Student Voice, Finance & Resources, Audit, Search & Standards and Remuneration).
The specialist committees have been established to examine key areas like college finances, human resource management, and the quality of college performance. They report their findings to full Corporation. The Corporation meets six times a year. Each governor is a member of the Corporation and is also a member of one or more of the committees. The frequency with which committees meet varies.
Committee papers are available for inspection at the College by application to the Clerk. A limited number of items are confidential, and the policy for determining confidentiality is clearly explained in the statement of governance policies which you can find in the Policies page of this section.
Governors make a valuable contribution not just to the development of the College but to the life of the local community.
The identification of the training needs of employers and students and the establishment of collaborative links with employers are crucial to the College strategic plan, and to the important contribution which the college makes to the local economy. You can see that Governors are responsible for some very significant decisions. The work of a governor is worthwhile, enjoyable and, at times, challenging. Governors seek to ensure that the college thrives as an institution and they make an active contribution to the success of the students.
Any person interested in joining the Corporation is welcome to contact the Clerk, Alison Buick, for further information. Click here to contact Alison Buick.